Bulletproof Marketer is a web development and guerilla marketing agency, one of the first in the world to focus exclusively on high conversion direct response web marketing. We’ve been at it since 1998.
What is a Guerilla Marketing Agency?
So…what the heck does this mean, and why should you care?
- “Guerilla marketing” is a philosophy. It’s far from new. It predates the internet. It allows you to reach your intended audience in creative and inexpensive ways. The focus is on return on investment (ROI). While other agencies are happy to spend your money and may be able to show you measurable results, we’re happy to go head-to-head against anyone (yeah…even the big dogs…especially them) when it comes to producing predictable, measurable and scalable results from your marketing. Our approach may not be for everyone, but it flat out works. We’ve proven it for over 20 years now. In hundreds of different industries. In 9 different countries so far.
- This means we do a lot more than just build websites. We provide the systems and strategies your business needs to profit consistently and predictably online.
- It means we have an excess of experience turning web content into profit. Unlike most vendors, we don’t focus on vague metrics like “hits” and “clicks”. We understand you can’t pay the mortgage with “hits”. We focus on profit. We focus on bottom line results.
- It means that we’ve had the time to build dedicated teams and systems that do a lot of the heavy lifting for you, assets that most agencies simply cannot offer, at any price.
Here’s what it DOESN’T mean:
- It doesn’t mean we can help you bring in millions without lifting a finger.
- It doesn’t mean the assets we build run on ethereal magic. There are clearly defined systems that every business requires in order to run well. We provide you the tools, proven systems and consulting you need along the way. We’re here to provide you all the support you need, but you still need to do the work to run your business.
- It doesn’t mean we’re the right fit for everyone. Upon cruising our website, you may notice we don’t sell our work directly off our website. We want to talk with you first to make sure we’re a good fit, before we can make a recommendation that we work together. We never make the assumption that we’re a good fit before talking with you first.
On this page, here’s what I want to share with you:
- Our mission and outlook.
- What we do and what you can expect when working with us.
- How to get the most out of this website (there’s a LOT of content and strategies here for you, for free).
- Who the heck I am and why (maybe) you should spend any time listening to what I have to say.
Our mission
You may or may not agree with this, but this is first and foremost here. We believe success is imperative. Life requires that we excel.
There are too many others out there that don’t offer anywhere near the quality of work we can offer. We’ve seen it firsthand. I’ll bet you’ve seen your share of low quality work from vendors in your time as a business owner also.
As a result, we know we need to reach out and do whatever necessary to break through the noise and get people’s attention, to win their business. To win YOUR business. We KNOW we do better work than our “competition”. We’ve done the research for nearly two decades.
As a result, it’s our duty and responsibility to win your business. Otherwise, you may end up working with someone that won’t do right by you.
We believe in what we do so fervently that we’re willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to break through the noise and earn your business. We’re completely sold on the value we offer our clients.
I’m taking the time to express this to you up front, because if one of our account managers is calling you every single day to close a new campaign with you, this is why. We KNOW we can help, otherwise we wouldn’t bother. Don’t believe it? Not feelin it? Just tell us to stop, and we’ll immediately comply. Otherwise, we’re on a mission to help as many companies as possible.
What we do
Bulletproof Marketer is a full service marketing agency that focuses on direct response web marketing. We help clients grow their business using the web. Please note that I didn’t say “we build websites”. Well…we do build websites. We currently have a team of 96 (and growing) full-time developers that do nothing but build websites. But I want to put that in context.
A website ain’t gonna do nothing by itself. No matter how beautiful and feature-rich it is. And believe me, the sites we create can do damn near anything.
But a Lamborghini isn’t doing anyone any good just sitting in the garage. You gotta take that sucker out and step on the gas. You feel me?
That’s what we spend 98% of our time doing…stepping on the gas. Setting up an incredible website is the easy part. That’s the starting block. Everything that happens after delivery of your website has to do with gaining traction in the marketplace, bringing in more business and consistently improving your profitability.
We do have clients that simply want us to build them an incredible website, a blog, a Facebook page or sales page and not much else. No problem. But sooner or later you’re gonna want that asset to do something for you. We know this. You’re going to want to see a return on investment. And in our world, that usually comes in the form of leads and sales.
Bottom line, you’re running a business. And it’s ultimately your bottom line that matters most. You can love how your website looks all day long, but if it’s not producing profits for you, something is broken. Wouldn’t you agree?
That’s why I’m telling you now.
Sooner or later, you’re going to want to have this conversation with us. You’re going to want to learn what the heck it’s gonna take to make sure you’re seeing revenue coming in from your web presence. Otherwise, why invest in it at all?
That’s our playground. We want to see your web presence produce predictable, controllable, trackable, scalable profits for you. If you’re not interested in profit, you’re definitely not in the right place. But if you’ve hit this page and read this far, I’m pretty damn confident you ARE in the right place.
We can help you with web development, social media presence, lead generation, email marketing, sales sequences, eCommerce, marketing automation and much more.
Regarding a full menu of services, I encourage you to speak with one of our account managers. No one hits account manager status in our company if they haven’t proven their marketing mastery on a number of different levels.
I earnestly believe in the value of personal relationships. That’s why we assign a dedicated account manager to all our marketing clients. This gives you a single point of contact with our company that you can reach out to any time. Someone who you can get to know, who can get to know you, who learns your business and truly focuses on helping you achieve your goals.
What you can expect working with us
Firstly, you can expect that we’re here to help you achieve your goals, not just provide you a static product or service. In other words, our objective is to get you off The Hamster Wheel of Death, ASAP.
Just like your personal trainer at the gym, we don’t always say what you want to hear, but we’re here to step up and say what NEEDS to be said in order to help you achieve your goals.
Secondly, you can expect that we’ll treat your campaign as our own. If something needs to be done, you’re going to hear from us. If us being proactive bothers you, we may not be a good fit. We don’t take on a campaign we don’t believe in. And if you have a campaign we believe in, believe me…we’ll be calling you every day, if necessary, to make sure the work’s being done to realize your goals.
Thirdly, you can expect documentation and consultation in real-world terms. By “documentation”, I mean we provide written proof of the work that’s been done for you and the benefits your business has received. Our reporting system shows you everything in black and white. Actually, we use color quite a bit too, the reports are very pretty:)
Bottom line, our focus is return on investment (ROI). Any marketing assets you have us help you with should be producing a return on investment for you.
Your ROI should be clear and easy to understand. And if it’s not producing an acceptable ROI, it should be optimized or dropped.
Working with us is profitable, not expensive. We believe numbers speak for themselves.
The reason other vendors shy away from discussing revenue is because they don’t actually know how to nail down results. Many of them are skilled technicians and able to build great-looking assets, but they don’t also have the business savvy and experience necessary to get bottom line results.
So the conversation never goes there.
On the other hand, we take the exact opposite approach. You can expect us to talk about bottom line results from day one.
How to get the most out of this website
Over the years, we’ve published over a thousand articles, videos and reports to help you achieve your goals. They’re all available to you at no cost.
The best approach you can take is to check out our free stuff. If you like it, you should hire us. If you don’t, you shouldn’t.
Here are some key resources:
Additionally, you will definitely want to check out our 7 Point Marketing System. It’s a very short document that shows what we do in specific terms, that’s simply not available from most other vendors.
Again, this isn’t to say you SHOULD want or need all these things. It simply gives you the information, so you can decide for yourself if working with us makes sense to you.
Lastly, we have a number of reports, strategies, marketing assets and additional resources available to your inside our membership site. You can join our membership site and access all our premium content and support, even without hiring us for any development work or consulting. We have clients all over the world growing their business with these premium resources. Ask an account manager about joining.
Who I am
So, I’ve been running my mouth about everything you can find here. But I know that you MAY have clicked to read this section first. Why? Because you want to know if you should even pay attention to what I have to say anyway. Fair question. I’d do the exact same.
You may be interested to know I’m from the Midwest, currently live in the Smoky Mountains, have two amazing kids, love traveling and playing guitar. Maybe that’s what interests you. Or maybe you’re more interested in what experience I bring to the table in this business and whether or not it will truly help you.
I started my business career in door-to-door sales. I didn’t know it was the beginning of my business career at the time. I just needed to make some real money, and working at the local record and video stores just wasn’t cutting it anymore. So I got into sales.
And I languished for about a year and a half. I actually worked more hours and made less money than I had been making before. But there were people in my office that were making a killing, so I knew I just had to “figure it out”. If I could just get it to click…if I could figure out what I was missing…I’d be able to make the kind of money I saw others making.
Eventually, my sales manager saw me struggling, but he also saw me not giving up. He invited me to work with him directly in the field for a month. That month, May 1996, I “figured it out”. I learned what it takes to “do whatever it takes”.
I worked harder than I had ever worked in my life, with the guidance of someone who had been down the path before and knew what they were doing.
My income went up over 1000% that month. I earned over $12k in a month for the first time ever, became the #1 sales person out of over 1500 others in my division.
I won a trip to Cancun.
I won a Rolex.
It was a good month. Thank you Ron.
After that, I continued to build the business, recruited a small team of my own and eventually ended up making $30-50k per month selling vacuum cleaners door to door. It was a pretty hardcore experience.
I eventually realized I didn’t want to sell door to door for the rest of my life. The money was good, but the hours were killing me. Literally killing me. My health was declining, and I just couldn’t keep up with the 8AM-1AM work days any longer. So I had to find something else.
That’s when I closed up shop and started focusing on this new-fangled internet thing. Keep in mind this was the 90’s, so the internet was still pretty damn new.
Just like when I started in sales, I languished for the first year or so. I eventually created stores and sold a number of different products like guitars, stage lighting, sports supplements, clothing and software. I made enough money to pay the bills, which was pretty cool for a dude working from his kitchen table.
But I never got back to the type of money I was making before.
That’s when I got into real estate. In an effort to “get a real job”, I got licensed in real estate and started selling houses.
I took what I had learned from both door-to-door sales and from marketing on the web and applied it to real estate.
Something incredible happened. Things blew up almost immediately. I sold 48 houses my first year and grew from there. For frame of reference, most agents sell fewer than 8 houses per year.
What was I doing differently? I sure as hell didn’t know much about real estate, at all.
I definitely didn’t know the market I was working in. I was completely winging it. But I was also doing something that almost no other agents were doing at the time. I was marketing my business aggressively online.
I had more leads coming in from the web every day than most agents get in a month.
Having loads of people to call and talk with every day was never an issue, and I simply made up the rest as I went along. But if you don’t have a ton of leads coming in, you’ve got nothing. You can have the best skills in the world…but you still have no one to talk to.
I learned that if I could bring in this many leads, I could start referring most of them out to other agents and have them close the deals for me. I get a referral commission, don’t have to drive around showing houses and simply stay at the office and focus on marketing.
I was making more money than I’d ever made before, and I didn’t have to list houses, drive around town on showing appointments, negotiate deals, attend inspections or any of the other noise associated with being in real estate. All I had to do was bring in leads and delegate them.
Without realizing it, I had become a full time highly paid internet marketer. Wowza.
It wasn’t long before other agents were asking me for help with their web presence as well. Then other business owners in other industries. And I learned first hand that there’s hardly a single business out there that can’t benefit greatly from a strong, high conversion web presence that brings in leads and new sales on a daily basis.
At first, it baffled me why other web designers were continuing to build great-looking websites but not bothering to put any work at all into making sure the websites they build actually produce a meaningful bottom line result for their clients.
But then it occurred to me that these people are designers. They’re simply not marketers. They’re not sales people. They simply don’t look at it that way.
And that difference was exactly why my campaigns were converting so well.
I was bringing something to the table that others weren’t. I was approaching the web like a salesperson, not a designer. And it was working.
Hardly anyone in the web design world has any real world sales experience, let alone any great success with sales. And most of them don’t have experience running their own company either. So they simply don’t have that perspective and insight.
Graphic design skill is a great skill to have. But it’s unfortunately nowhere near enough if you’re wanting to see a campaign perform well in the marketplace.
I’ve seen more and more sales people and marketers start using the web intelligently and with great results over the years. But I’m still seeing very few vendors of our type out there.
Most of the “marketing gurus” will tell you what I’m telling you. Our message here at Bulletproof Marketer is honestly not a unique one. I didn’t invent direct response marketing. Not by a long shot. But the truth remains…getting a web presence built to actually execute on these ideas is still very difficult to get done.
The marketing gurus who actually know enough to share these concepts don’t typically sell web development services, and the people who do sell web development services are still doing it the old way. So you literally have to hire and then re-train your web developer to look at their business in a totally different way in order to get what you need.
It’s a colossal undertaking.
That’s why even today, we’re still seeing an internet full of great-looking small business websites that don’t convert or bring in any meaningful results.
What we do is offer you direct access to an entire TEAM of web developers, who are all trained and understand the direct response marketing principles that are required to create a web presence that converts well.
It’s cost millions of dollars and tens of thousands of hours to build this group of professionals, and you can now access this talent and take advantage of it yourself.
You could literally hire a hundred different developers and build a hundred different websites and still not come across the talent or marketing proficiency we’ve pulled together for you here at Bulletproof Marketer.
So true to form, allow me to hit you with an amazing call to action. Yes, believe it or not, this marketing professional has something to sell you. I mean, if you didn’t expect me to be incredibly good at selling stuff, why are you even reading this page?
Take these three quick steps, and I guarantee you’ll have an amazing experience here:
- Check out some of the free content here. The best stuff is all linked up above on this page. You obviously don’t have to go through it all, that would take forever. Just focus on a few topics that are relevant to you right now.
- If you like the content here, ask us for free access to our marketing platform. This gives you access to business-class web hosting, landing page building platform, hundreds of premium themes and plugins worth over $4200, marketing strategies, tutorials and a ton more.
- If you like what you’ve seen so far, click here to book a consult with an account manager on our team. Ask us any questions at all about marketing your business, and we’ll help you out. It costs you nothing. You get straight answers to some of your hardest hitting questions, and it gives us both an opportunity to see if we’d be a good fit working together further.
Pretty easy, right?
Godspeed, my friend. I’m excited to help and look forward to talking with you when you’re ready.

Bulletproof Marketer
(317) 978-0351