The Commitment stage of the process is where we start to do business together. Leading up to this stage, you’ve already reached out to the right people, at the right time. They’ve responded to your content and expressed their interest in hearing from you again. You’ve exchanged information at this point, but no money has changed hands yet. The Commitment stage is where money and contracts come into play.
It’s essential to realize that at some point, we need to ask our clients and customers to buy. I see a lot of salespeople and professionals wait indefinitely, spending all their time on the Attention and Engagement stages. These are essential, but all the attention in the world will rarely translate into sales without paying specific attention to this Commitment stage.
Conversely, I see a lot of people ask for the order far too early in the process. If you are pitching too often at the very beginning of the relationship, it’s unlikely you’ll get much of any response, because the proper groundwork hasn’t been established yet.
This is why the Commitment stage is so essential. Bottom line, it’s about knowing when and how to ask for money from your customers and clients.
Download the Commitment document here.
The Attention and Engagement stages have led us this far. Now it’s time to get some traction in the relationship and find out who’s interested in doing business with you. This process leads to the Legacy stage, where wealth is created.
Stay tuned as I get the remaining mind maps published for the Bulletproof Revenue Model. I’m following each section with a detailed explanation, so you can dive in and execute on all these concepts in your own business. As always, if you have any questions about how to drive more traffic and sales in your business, hit me up.